Spatial Reconciliation capitalizes on the practice of conflict resolution over meals at an interpersonal scale. With the foundation of petty power histrionics in diplomatic meals, the project is a space for two parties to achieve authentic reconciliation instead of further dissension via physicalized space-manipulations. These ideas manifest in designed objects and a contrived configuration of peoples’ spatial relation with each other. A third-party, in this case the food server, is essential as the disguised mediator who provides validation for both parties, and is a guide when discussions are stagnant or overly aggressive. The yellow suit is deeply psychological, attempting to erase negative power dynamics via an equalized platform and the erasure of individual features below the neck. With a minky interior and calming colors that theoretically invoke emotionally present interactions, the suit as a restaurant is disarming, silly, and safe, but also holds a certain level of gravity. It cultivates a respectful cool-headedness under forced intimacy.
Below are the "Event Cards" and "Action Cards" of historical happenings of "Spatial Power Plays/Manipulations" which were studied before the inception of the suit.
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